
At Weelsby, we recognise the important role that transition plays in ensuring that children are able to deal with the changes that they experience as they move through the school. We consider all points of transition both into, and out of, the academy and put appropriate strategies in place to support the children.
Children are able to visit the setting with their parents and meet the staff before they start school. All new nursery children receive a home visit from a member of staff. Upon arrival at school, children will receive a book bag with resources, including books to support parents with home learning.
Children who are moving between EYFS to Year 1
Practitioners from EYFS and Year 1 collaborate to share information and good practice. Year 1 teachers spend time familiarising themselves with both the EYFS and the children in the phase before transition takes place. EYFS practitioners share analysis of data which allow Year 1 staff to identify children who have not achieved the Early Learning Goals. Curriculum provision in Year 1 reflects both the needs of the children still working within the EYFS framework and also those accessing the National Curriculum, enabling teachers to close the gaps and challenge all learners.
Children who are moving between Year 6 and secondary school
Colleagues from secondary schools come to meet the children and answer any questions or concerns they may have. Our children take part in transition units offered by the secondary schools in preparation of their start. SEND and/or vulnerable children have a bespoke package of transition that often looks different to the core offer. This may include additional visits and support from a known adult during transition days. Children also attend secondary transition days, which is normally during the first week of July.
We also promote and signpost open nights for feeder schools to all parents.
Applying for schools?
We understand that choosing a school is an important choice. We are always willing to help.
There are two ways that you can apply to a new school.
1. Online
2. By Phone
Local Authority Admissions Team on 01472 323081.