Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is additional money given to the academy for pupils who are:
- Eligible for Free School Meals
- Looked After Children (LAC)
- Children who are in service families e.g. the armed forces
Weelsby Academy has received £256,597 additional funding for this academic year. At Weelsby Academy we use our funding for a range of purposes, which are suited to the individual needs of our children.
How we use our Pupil Premium?
We ensure that all classes have at least one teaching assistant and in some classes there is more than one. Teaching assistants deliver a wide range of intervention programmes to support reading, writing, speech, physical development, Thrive and maths.
We provide social and emotional support for families and children from our dedicated pastoral team. The pastoral team also supports and promotes the improvement of attendance and punctuality of our children.
The funding also enables us to employ a speech and language therapist and a therapeutic practitioner from Fortis Therapy.
At Weelsby we are committed to providing a range of experiences which enhance the curriculum and pupils’ enjoyment of school. The pupil premium is used to heavily subside the cost of visits and visitors. We believe visits are crucial to enhancing our children’s life experiences.
The objectives of our pupil premium spending are:
• To continue to provide all children with high quality teaching and learning experiences.
• To continue to use targeted intervention and support to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged and other pupils and ensure that the majority of children are achieving age related expectations.
• To develop the curriculum to engage all learners, develop independence, resilience, collaboration and provide challenge.
• To provide a range of extra- curricular activities which all children can access.
• To provide a range of quality first hand experiences to raise aspirations, engage children in their learning and expose them to the world around them.
• To ensure that children are ready to learn.
• To develop the joy of reading and develop reading stamina and comprehension skills.
You can read more abut how we utilise the Pupil Premium funding on our Statutory Information page here.
How to apply for Free School Meals
If you are entitled to Free School Meals your child is also entitled to Pupil Premium.
You can claim free school meals for your child if your child is in full-time education, you are responsible for the child, and you get at least one of the following benefits:
- Income support
- Income based job seekers allowance
- Income related employment and support allowance
- Guaranteed pension credit
- Child tax credit with an annual income each year of less than £16,190 (as assessed by tax credits)
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Universal credit
If you receive child tax credit and working tax credit, your child will not qualify for free school meals.
IMPORTANT: Even if your child receives a Universal Infant Free School Meal (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) it is still important to apply for Free School Meals , because the school will receive additional funding known as the pupil premium for every eligible pupil which goes towards additional resources that your child will benefit from.
If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals please speak to a member of the school office and they will help you with your application.
You can apply online by following this link: https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/benefits/free-school-meals/