Computing is taught as a discreet subject for one hour a week. We equip our children with the skills and understanding to use computers effectively. It helps them become confident, responsible users of a range of technology. Our computing curriculum is split into three areas through the use of Purple Mash: these are Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.
The computing curriculum teaches pupils how they can keep themselves safe. This includes across a range of online and gaming platforms, including social media. Children learn about online safety within computing sessions, and the wider curriculum.
In EYFS, pupils access a range of technology which they use and investigate during continuous provision. We use and explore a range of age-appropriate programs with purpose and are taught how to program simple software. Children are introduced to online safety and taught simple strategies of how to keep themselves safe whilst online.
In Key Stage 1, pupils select and use technology purposefully and safely. They build on their prior introduction to online safety. Children are exposed to and start to understand algorithms and they begin to create and debug simple, age-appropriate programs.
In Key Stage 2, pupils build upon their understanding of algorithms. They use these to design, write and debug programs that achieve a specific outcome. Pupils continue to use logical reasoning to overcome errors within such programs. Key Stage 2 enables pupils to develop an understanding of computer networks. This includes the internet. Using their understanding of online safety, they explore the opportunities the World Wide Web can provide us. This includes for communication and collaboration.